An Eerie Look Inside An Abandoned Home In Ontario
There's something about abandoned buildings that makes for a very eerie experience. This abandoned home in Ontario, Canada has all of the charm and strange nostalgia that comes with a home that is nearly perfectly preserved. Thanks to talented photographer Dave with, the fascinating old pictures of this home are available for all to see.
According to Dave's photo blog, Dave got the idea to visit this house when he saw that one of his friends had posted pictures of the same spot. Knowing his love for photographing old abandoned places, Dave knew he had to pay a visit to this time capsule. Dave describes the feeling upon walking into the house as "unsettling." I definitely understand where he's coming from because even just looking at these pictures feels a bit unsettling. The now-decrepit Ontario home may look worn in places, but seeing all of the possessions from the former occupants still in their original places feels unshakably weird.
There isn't much information available about the history of the house and exactly why it was abandoned. In a conversation that Dave had with the owner's daughter, 76, he discovered that the house was willed to a local church after the owner passed away. Dave continues to explain in his blog that it's been rumored that the daughter and the local church fell into a dispute over who would receive the house. Dave also noted that the owner's daughter wasn't too keen on talking about the house, almost as if it represented something that was upsetting for her to discuss again. What remains unclear is why exactly the daughter chose to leave all of her old belongings in the house for over 30 years.
This house is a time capsule with the kind of retro flair that brought me down memory lane in no time at all. See for yourself...
This is the main room at the very front of the house. The hutch is complete with all the dinnerware components needed to set the table.





















According to Dave's photo blog, Dave got the idea to visit this house when he saw that one of his friends had posted pictures of the same spot. Knowing his love for photographing old abandoned places, Dave knew he had to pay a visit to this time capsule. Dave describes the feeling upon walking into the house as "unsettling." I definitely understand where he's coming from because even just looking at these pictures feels a bit unsettling. The now-decrepit Ontario home may look worn in places, but seeing all of the possessions from the former occupants still in their original places feels unshakably weird.
There isn't much information available about the history of the house and exactly why it was abandoned. In a conversation that Dave had with the owner's daughter, 76, he discovered that the house was willed to a local church after the owner passed away. Dave continues to explain in his blog that it's been rumored that the daughter and the local church fell into a dispute over who would receive the house. Dave also noted that the owner's daughter wasn't too keen on talking about the house, almost as if it represented something that was upsetting for her to discuss again. What remains unclear is why exactly the daughter chose to leave all of her old belongings in the house for over 30 years.
This house is a time capsule with the kind of retro flair that brought me down memory lane in no time at all. See for yourself...
This is the main room at the very front of the house. The hutch is complete with all the dinnerware components needed to set the table.
The entire house is heated using an iron wood stove. That old rocking chair may not look inviting now, but I'm sure that was once a cozy spot for the former occupants of this abode.
The dining area against the bay window is so charming. I love the old piano too! It may look dusty, but wait until you scroll to the end when the keys are revealed.
It's obvious that the former occupants had a love for music. There are instruments strewn about this living room.
Yeah, definitely a love for music. Check out this early 20th century Gramophone in one of the corners of the living room. A stack of records sits nearby just waiting to be played.
I love all the unique storage areas throughout the house. This cool hutch looks like it houses a beautiful collection of dinnerware.
I know plenty of people who would love to have this vintage set of silverware marking their dinner tables.
It's crazy to see how these brands have evolved over time. Check out that old bottle of Vicks VapoRub in the upper corner!
One of the bedrooms in the house is nearly overtaken by stack and stacks of books.
Remember the piano from earlier? All it needs is a good dusting off because the keys have been perfectly preserved.